Sloshing is a phenomenon due to the movement of a fluid in a closed container that is not completely filled which causes a variation in the distribution of pressures on the walls of the tank and, consequently, a resultant and a non-zero hydrodynamic moment on the walls of the tank and, therefore, on the entire structure to which it is bound. This is critical for many applications dealing with liquid storage in tanks. In the following videos you can see the efficiency of the Exco System products: in the tanks filled with the aluminum mesh and with the spheres, there is a clear reduction in the phenomenon of sloshing compared to the tank filled only with liquid.
È molto interessante notare come in circostanze di rischio sismico legate allo sloshing che concorrono all’incremento del rischio di incidente rilevante, soprattutto nei grandi complessi industriali in cui si producono e vengono stoccati liquidi infiammabili, il nostro sistema contribuisca a ridurre il rischio di incendio e rottura del serbatoio attraverso la stabilizzazione del fluido e l’azione antiesplosiva.
Certified I.N.A.I.L. System
Inail, the National Insurance Institute against Accidents at Work, is a non-economic public body that manages compulsory insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases. The protection of workers, also as a result of recent regulatory innovations, has increasingly taken on the characteristics of an integrated protection system, ranging from the study of risk situations, to preventive interventions in the workplace, to health and economic services , to the care, rehabilitation and reintegration into social and working life of those who have suffered physical damage as a result of an accident or occupational disease.